BICOM® mobile VET
Cause‐oriented testing and treatment
Lyme disease
Lyme disease
Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne infectious disease in Germany. The Borrelia bacteria are transmitted with the saliva of the tick after 16-24 hours. Symptoms of the disease do not appear until weeks after the tick bite. Often the animals and their owners have already gone through an odyssey of tests, treatments and therapies before the diagnosis of Lyme disease is confirmed, as the symptoms of an animal suffering from Lyme disease can vary greatly. Many pet owners do not notice a tick on their pet, as it falls off by itself after some time. In addition, the typical circular spot on the skin, which could be the first indication of an infection with Borrelia bacteria, is often not discovered because of the thick coat. It is therefore important to check the animal regularly for ticks and to observe tick bites for a few days.
Symptoms of Lyme disease are:
- Fever
- Listlessness
- Lack of appetite
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Painful and swollen (lameness)
As the disease progresses
- Various organ diseases or abnormalities (liver, kidney, heart)
- Sudden drop in performance, lethargy, sudden nervousness or aggressiveness.
- Skin changes (eczema, skin fungus, dull or shedding coat)
- Susceptibility to infections, recurrent fever or cough, etc.
- Recurrent colics or colic-like symptoms
- Headshaking
- Muscle tension up to and including ataxias
- frequent hoof abscesses, leather dermatitis and even laminitis
Because of the often-unspecific symptoms, Lyme disease is often only recognised very late and develops into chronic Lyme disease, which can lead to subsequent damage to various organs. For this reason, it is particularly important that a veterinarian or veterinary naturopathic practitioner is consulted immediately if the animal shows any of the symptoms mentioned. In addition, the animal should be checked daily for ticks and these removed professionally if necessary. If a tick is removed within the first 16 hours, a possible Lyme disease infection can be prevented.