BICOM® mobile VET
Cause‐oriented testing and treatment
Bioresonance for dogs
The painless treatment method for healthy dogs

Bioresonance therapy for dogs
The gentle treatment method – painless and effective
Bioresonance therapy not only helps people, dogs can also benefit from the electromagnetic vibrations. Because cells that are in disharmony are more susceptible to diseases and health complaints. Bioresonance counteracts this in dogs. Both acute and chronic illnesses, such as diarrhoea or kidney and bladder infections, general states of weakness, allergies with or without itching, parasite infestations and other illnesses can be treated painlessly and effectively. In addition, this completely without side effects.
Topic overview
- Overview “Bioresonance for dogs”
- How does bioresonance work?
- What are the symptoms that can be treated?
- How does bioresonance therapy work?
- Who is allowed to use bioresonance on dogs?
- How much does bioresonance for dogs cost?
- Studies and therapeutic successes of bioresonance in dogs
- Frequently asked questions
- Conclusion
The REGUMED® team of experts consists of employees who have gained relevant experience in the field of BICOM® bioresonance over many years.
How does bioresonance work?
Many dog owners despair when all treatment methods for allergies, food intolerances, musculoskeletal problems or chronic diseases fail.
Bioresonance therapy can be the solution in such a case. As an alternative or supplement to classical conventional medicine, bioresonance, like acupuncture, is an established and proven method of naturopathy. It has been used in human medicine for over 30 years and in veterinary medicine for more than 15 years.
In every living being there are waves and frequency patterns that vibrate harmoniously in a healthy biological system and disharmoniously in a diseased one. Through various non-invasive bioresonance measurement methods, these oscillation patterns can be tested and useful information about the animal’s state of health can be obtained.
These natural, physical vibrations are used in bioresonance therapy to specifically transmit the body’s own frequency patterns to the body. They penetrate into the deepest structures and have an effect on individual organs, tissues and cells.
With the BICOM® bioresonance device, self-regulatory reactions can be triggered and the dog’s self-healing powers activated. And all this without side effects and completely painless and stress-free.
Note: For human medicine, our BICOM optima® bioresonance device is already approved as a class IIa medical device. As there are no randomised, controlled studies (double-blind studies) from veterinary medicine yet, bioresonance for animals is not yet recognised by studies.
Which symptoms can be treated in dogs?
External influences such as contaminated drinking water, feed additives, medicines, stress, electrosmog or environmental toxins as well as too much, too heavy or long-term stress can disturb and negatively affect the immune system and the organism of a dog. In order to recognise permanent damage or serious illnesses in time and, at best, to prevent them, dog owners should therefore take conspicuous behaviour or visible organic changes seriously.
With the BICOM® bioresonance device, stress disorders and their effects on the four-legged friend can be recognised at an early stage and treated individually. Complaints can thus be alleviated or even cured.

Treatment spectrum of BICOM® bioresonance therapy for dogs
- Allergies and their secondary diseases
- Feed allergies or feed intolerances (“feed test“), patient report:
- Vaccination reactions or drug intolerances (“drug test”)
- Acid-base balance disorders
- Stress and disorders of the organs
- Pathogens (e.g. bacteria, viruses, parasites, moulds)
- Blockages due to geopathic stress
- Blockages due to scars
- Blockages due to mental stress (e.g. stress, anxiety)
- Discomfort, aggression, behavioural problems
- Fur and skin problems
- Chronic diarrhoea and/or vomiting, patient report:
- Problems in the stomach/intestinal area
- Organ disorders
- weak immune system
- Supporting the metabolism, e.g. for obesity
- Cushing’s disease
- Infectious diseases, e.g. borreliosis, leishmaniasis or anaplasmosis Pododermatitis (= inflammation of the paw skin)
- Urticaria (= hives)
- Wheals
- Kennel cough (= canine influenza)
How does bioresonance therapy work in dogs?
In order to be able to precisely and individually determine stresses and disorders in the dog’s organism, the treating veterinarian or veterinary naturopath will try to find out more about possible causes in an initial consultation. Lifestyle habits, eating behaviour, but also the social environment play an important role here.
After the initial consultation, the therapist uses various tests to determine the exact stress factors. The tests reveal whether and which intolerances exist, which organs are weakened or toxins are burdening the body. This is painless and stress-free for the dog.
As soon as it is clear which ailments the dog is suffering from, the animal is treated with the BICOM® bioresonance device. In addition to the identified causes, the individual resonances of the dog are measured with the help of the device. Based on this, the therapist develops a treatment plan with specific harmonising resonances. These are transferred from the device to the dog by allowing the animal to stand, sit or lie down on a modulation mat. Some therapists use applicators that are attached to the collar. For the dog, both variants are pleasant and stress-free. Addresses of BICOM® therapists in countries outside Germany, can be obtained from the respective international partners.
Interesting for dog owners
Testing and treatment with the BICOM® bioresonance device is particularly suitable for sensitive and delicate dogs, because the testing and therapy take place without side effects and is completely stress-free.
The following testing procedures may be used with dogs:
Resonance testing with hair
Each cell is in constant exchange with the entire organism. If a flow imbalance occurs, it affects the organic and mental functions.
The resonance test provides information about energetic interference areas, stresses in the body, inflammatory processes, allergies and intolerances. It also enables causal statements about the organism’s nutrient supply, chronic deficiencies or over-supply. Samples are analysed in the laboratory for mineral/electrolyte balance, trace elements, toxic elements and much more.
Resonance test with blood, urine, faeces, nasal or eye discharge and hair
Through the resonance test of bodily substances, fluids and secretions, causal foci can be discovered and the energetic balance in the organism can be restored. For this purpose, the respective substances are placed in the input cup of the BICOM® bioresonance device. The therapist uses the information obtained for a holistic treatment plan with bioresonance.
Skin punch (e.g. for Lyme disease)
A skin punch is also suitable for a quick resonance test. With the help of the so-called punch, a sharp ring-shaped knife, a standardised skin sample is cut out.
Feed test
All food and substances with which the dog comes into contact are tested: from food to treats, supplementary food, water, grooming products to the dog basket or dog blanket.
BICOM® CTT Test Kits for Dogs
Special BICOM® CTT test kits for dogs are available for the tests:
- BICOM® CTT test kit 5E Dogs
- BICOM® CTT Test set dog, special
You can obtain more information from the international representative in charge.
Who is allowed to use bioresonance on dogs?
Veterinarians, veterinary naturopaths or instructed medical professionals under their supervision are authorised to use bioresonance on dogs.
For the professional handling of the BICOM® bioresonance device, all users must attend a two-day compulsory seminar. There, the basics and the correct handling of the device are taught. In addition, REGUMED® experts provide a free initial consultation in the practice. We offer further training opportunities together with our cooperation partner for training and further education, the Academy for Complementary and Information Medicine (AKI).
Find a therapist
Your local BICOM® therapist will be happy to help you personally
Addresses of BICOM® therapists in countries outside Germany, can be obtained from the respective international partners.
How much does bioresonance for dogs cost?
Some supplementary pet insurance policies cover the costs of BICOM® bioresonance for dogs. The exact costs to be expected for bioresonance therapy depend on which benefits are covered by the private dog health insurance. Some insurances cover the costs for bioresonance completely, some partially. It is best to talk to your vet or insurance company about this.
Basically, you can expect to pay around 100 euros per session for a treatment with the BICOM® bioresonance device. The amount of the costs for the testing depends on the type and number of the necessary test procedures and generally ranges between 50 and 90 euros (estimate cost germany).
Tip for pet owners
Find more information on our page about possibilities of cost coverage for a bioresonance therapy and what you can do next.
Studies and therapeutic successes of bioresonance in dogs
Bioresonance therapy is used for a variety of canine patients who have acute or chronic conditions. Vets and patients share their personal experiences with bioresonance and how it helps dogs get back on their feet.

Dirk Schrader has been a veterinarian in Hamburg for 46 years. His many years of experience have shown him: “I consider it indecent not to offer bioresonance treatment“. Because for many disease patterns, conventional medicine does not offer sufficient treatment options. His greatest experience of success was a five-year-old terminally ill retriever. Since all else failed, everyone involved decided on bioresonance therapy. After seven sessions, the dog’s condition improved completely – and it still does today. Because of such and similar therapeutic successes, Dr. Becker is completely convinced that bioresonance works.

For more than 20 years, Dr. med. vet. Reinhard Goy has been using complementary treatment methods in addition to conventional medicine – first and foremost: BICOM® bioresonance. In conversation, Dr Goy tells us about a young German shepherd that was brought to the practice to be put to sleep. With the help of the usual biophysical testing for bioresonance, the dog was diagnosed with Borrelia. After only five sessions and two weeks, the animal was healthy again.

Specialist veterinarian Dr. med. vet. Juliane Jaeger has been working with the BICOM® bioresonance method since 1997. The high success rate she experienced with bioresonance spoke for itself. From the first treatment, the BICOM® bioresonance device therefore became an integral part of her practice. “Even in cases where I would have had my back against the wall with just conventional medicine, the treatment has been successful.”

“We wish many more vets would offer bioresonance in their practice,” say Franze and Fanny’s owners. The two long-haired German shepherds suffered from diarrhoea, itching and developed bald, bloody patches when they were 11 months old. All vets could not help until an acquaintance told them about her vet who offers bioresonance therapy for dogs. An initial thorough examination was followed by intensive treatment with the bioresonance device, as in addition to hypothyroidism, other medical conditions were detected. “Our dogs already ran joyfully into the practice on the second visit to this vet and immediately lay down in the dog beds.”
Frequently asked questions
What does the dog feel during a treatment with the BICOM® bioresonance device?
The animals find the treatment with the BICOM® bioresonance device pleasant as well as pain- and stress-free. Some dogs relax so much during a session that they doze or fall asleep on the soft mat.
Is bioresonance dangerous for dogs?
Treatments with the BICOM® bioresonance device are non-invasive and therefore have no harmful effects on the animal’s body or organism. On the contrary, bioresonance therapy is a very gentle method. The sessions are painless and completely stress-free for both dog and owner. Only an increased feeling of thirst or signs of tiredness may occur shortly after the session. However, this returns to normal within a very short time.
How many treatment sessions does it usually take with the bioresonance device?
A treatment with the BICOM® bioresonance device usually takes about 35 minutes. The number of sessions depends on several factors and varies not only from one clinical picture to another but also from one animal to another. For seriously ill animals, 5-7 sessions may be enough, but exact numbers cannot be determined. Your vet can tell you more after the initial consultation.
With the therapist finder you can find practices in Germany that can offer you BICOM® bioresonance. For practices outside of Germany, please contact one of our international partners.
Is there any recommended literature on bioresonance for dogs?
Our book tip: Breaking new ground in diagnosis and therapy in veterinary medicine (B00GBJJ1DG). A book by Dr. med. vet. Jochen Becker, a very successful veterinarian for small animals at the time and at the same time a great dog lover.
The BICOM® bioresonance method is a holistic natural healing method that uses electromagnetic oscillations to reveal and regulate causative disharmonies in the body.
The treatment focus of the BICOM® mobile VET bioresonance device is wide-ranging and adapts to the individual needs of the dog. Health deficits can be recognised at an early stage with bioresonance and treated in time. As a painless and stress-free treatment, bioresonance therapy is particularly predestined for use with dogs.
And even though conventional medicine has not yet officially recognised bioresonance for animals, the treatment method has been part of the repertoire of many veterinarians and animal health practitioners for many years. The positive influence and the multitude of success stories speak for themselves.
Are you interested in a BICOM® bioresonance device?
Arrange a consultation with our international BICOM® experts
Our international BICOM® experts are available to answer all your questions
and will be happy to advise you personally and individually.