BICOM® mobile VET
Cause‐oriented testing and treatment
Bioresonance for horses
The gentle treatment method for healthy horses

Bioresonance therapy for horses
The gentle treatment method – painless and effective
Bioresonance therapy not only helps people, horses can also benefit from the electromagnetic oscillations. Because cells that are in disharmony are more susceptible to diseases and health complaints. Bioresonance counteracts this in horses. Respiratory diseases, allergies, arthrosis, lameness and other diseases can be treated painlessly and effectively.
Topic overview
- Overview “Bioresonance for horses”
- How does bioresonance work?
- What are the symptoms that can be treated?
- How does bioresonance therapy work?
- Who is allowed to use bioresonance on horses?
- How much does bioresonance for horses cost?
- Studies and therapeutic successes
- Frequently asked questions
- Conclusion
The REGUMED® team of experts consists of employees who have gained relevant experience in the field of BICOM® bioresonance over many years.
How does bioresonance work?
Many horse owners are at a loss when all treatment methods for allergies, food intolerances, problems with the musculoskeletal system, chronic diseases, etc. fail. Bioresonance can be the right choice in such cases. As a sub-area of complementary medicine and naturopathy, many therapists use the bioresonance method and the number is constantly increasing.
Bioresonance can be the right choice in such a case. As a sub-area of complementary medicine and naturopathy, many therapists use the bioresonance method and the number is constantly increasing.
In every living being there are waves and frequency patterns that vibrate harmoniously in a healthy biological system and disharmoniously in a diseased one. Through a variety of non-invasive measuring methods, concrete statements can quickly be made about the horse’s state of health.
Bioresonance therapy makes use of natural physical oscillations by specifically sending the body’s own frequency patterns. These reach into the deepest structures and reach the individual organs, tissues and cells. With the BICOM® bioresonance device, self-regulatory reactions can be triggered and the animal’s self-healing powers activated. This is completely painless and stress-free.
Note: For human medicine, our BICOM optima® bioresonance device is already approved as a class IIa medical device. As there are no randomised, controlled studies (double-blind studies) from veterinary medicine yet, bioresonance for animals is not yet recognised by studies.
What symptoms can be treated specifically in horses?
External influences or too much, too heavy or long-lasting stress can disturb the immune system and the horse’s body and weaken or block the self-healing powers. Noticeable behaviour or organic changes set the alarm bells ringing for horse owners.
With the BICOM® device, stress disorders and their effects on the horse can be recognised and individually treated. Complaints can thus be alleviated and lead to a better well-being of the animal patient.

Treatment spectrum of BICOM® bioresonance therapy
- Allergies and their secondary illnesses
- Feed allergies or feed intolerances
- Vaccination reactions or drug intolerances
- Disturbances of the acid-base balance
- Stresses and disturbances of the organs
- Environmental impact
- Pathogens (e.g. bacteria, viruses, parasites, moulds)
- Tensions and blockages (e.g. jaw joint, hyoid bone, spine, ankle joint)
- Sweet itch
- Leishmaniosis
- Lyme disease
- Anaplasmosis
- Hot Spot
- Hoof ulcers
- Poisoning by poisonous plants (e.g. ragwort). In meadows, horses can still recognise/filter it out, but it becomes problematic as soon as the plant is found dried in hay, see also:
- Malenders
- Ophtalmitis / Conjunctivitis
- Blockages due to geopathic stress
- Blockages due to scars
- Blockages due to mental stress (e.g. stress, anxiety)
How does bioresonance therapy work?
Testing and treatment with the BICOM® bioresonance device is particularly suitable for sensitive and delicate animals, because the testing and therapy take place without side effects and is stress-free.
Occasionally, initial aggravations can occur as initial reactions of the body. These are usually harmless and subside after a short time.
Finding causes through multiple testing procedures
In order to be able to precisely and individually determine stresses and disorders in the horse’s body, a painless test is carried out first. This checks whether there are intolerances, if organs are weakened or toxins are burdening the body.
Factors that have a negative impact on the health of horses include environmental toxins, feed additives, contaminated drinking water and feed, electrosmog or medication.
As the causes can be manifold and are often difficult to influence, it is all the more important to act in time. The earlier the causes are recognised, the sooner measures can be taken to improve the animal’s health.
During the initial anamnesis, the veterinarian or veterinary naturopathic practitioner tries to determine the stress factors using various test procedures.
Multiple test procedures of bioresonance therapy in horses
Tensor test technique
The organism of a living being can be prone to malfunctions and diseases due to electrosmog or incompatibilities. With the tensor (= one-handed rod) the natural oscillations and radiation of materials and elements can be tested.
Electroacupuncture (EAP)
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment method. Very fine needles are inserted into certain areas of the body to stimulate the body’s own regulatory mechanisms and thus the self-healing powers.
Combined test technique (BICOM CTT®)
The combined test technique (BICOM CTT®) is a proven system for detecting stresses in the body.
Resonance testing with hair
Each cell is in constant exchange with the entire organism. If a flow imbalance occurs, it affects the organic and mental functions.
The resonance test provides information about stresses in the body and enables cause-oriented discoveries to be made about chronic deficiencies or over-supply. Samples are analysed in the laboratory for mineral/electrolyte balance, trace elements, toxic elements and much more.
Resonance test with blood, urine, faeces, nasal or eye discharge and hair
Through the resonance test of bodily substances, liquids and secretions, the causes can be discovered and the energetic balance in the organism can be restored. For this purpose, the substances are placed in the input cup of the BICOM device. The body’s own information then flows into the treatment by the therapist.
Skin punch (e.g. in case of Lyme disease)
A skin punch is also suitable for a quick resonance test. The punch has a sharp, ring-shaped knife with which a standardised main sample is cut out.
Feed testing
All feedstuffs and substances with which the horse comes into contact are tested: from concentrated feed to oils, treats, supplementary feed, teas, water, coat spray and even the riding arena floor.
Laboratory tests (e.g. in the case of a suspected diagnosis)
Suspicious diagnoses are made by medical professionals based on missing information, e.g. laboratory tests and results. The suspicion is then confirmed or re futed in the form of laboratory tests and imaging.
Individual forms of therapy with BICOM® bioresonance in horses
The results from the anamnesis and the test procedures determine the further procedure and treatment with the BICOM® device. For this purpose, the BICOM® mobile VET offers already stored therapy programs. The pre-configured programs are broken down according to parameters such as the type of therapy, amplification and duration. Individual therapy programmes are also differentiated according to frequency. This makes it possible to find the right treatment methods for all complaints. You can also subsequently individualise your own therapy sequences and program them into the device.
The frequency range of the BICOM® mobile VET is between 10 Hz and 250 kHz. There are also applicators which are applied to the animal patient for treatment. How to correctly apply the applicators is explained step-by-step for each therapy programme on the device display.
As a rule, a session lasts between 20-30 minutes. The number of sessions and duration of treatments depends on the severity of the condition and the stage of the disease.

Who is allowed to use bioresonance on horses?
Veterinarians, veterinary naturopaths or instructed medical personnel are authorised to use bioresonance on horses. For the professional handling of the BICOM® device, all users must attend a two-day compulsory course. There, the basics and the correct operation of the device are taught. REGUMED® also offers a free initial consultation in your own practice. Optionally, there are further training opportunities with our cooperation partner for training and further education, the Academy for Complementary and Information Medicine (AKI).
Find a therapist
Your local BICOM® therapist will be happy to help you personally
Addresses of BICOM® therapists in countries outside Germany, can be obtained from the respective international partners.
How much does bioresonance for horses cost?
BICOM® bioresonance for horses is offered throughout Germany. Some health insurances for animals cover the costs. The cost of bioresonance therapy depends on a number of factors. Among other things, how far the journey to the stable is and which benefits are covered by the private supplementary animal insurance. Some insurances cover the costs for bioresonance completely, and some partially. It is best to talk to your vet and your insurance company about this.
Basically, for a treatment with the BICOM® device, you are looking at about 120 euros +/- per session. The amount of the costs for the testing depends on the type and number of the necessary test procedures and therefore ranges between 80 to 250 Euros (estimate cost Germany).
Tip for pet owners
Find more information on our page about possibilities of cost coverage for a bioresonance therapy and what you can do next.
Studies and therapeutic successes
Prof. Dr. Peter Dartsch has carried out an observational study on bioresonance in which the positive effects of the BICOM device were examined at the cellular level. Here, “an increase in vitality of almost 40 percent was measured in the cells treated with the bioresonance methods”. Further tests also showed that “the cell regeneration and wound healing process was improved by about 30 percent through the use of the BICOM bioresonance device compared to an untreated control”. In addition to these positive effects, “an inhibitory effect on inflammatory processes” was also found.
Therapy successes with bioresonance in practice
In practice, veterinary practitioners and veterinarians confirm that bioresonance therapy helps many horses to get back to their old shape:

The veterinary naturopathic practitioner Dagmar Scheuffele had to deal with a serious case: The horse to which she was called had been suffering from extreme muscle deterioration for several years. In addition, it reacted extremely aggressively when touched. The diagnosis after the examination: Lyme disease and a severe bacterial infectious disease. After six treatments with the BICOM® device, the horse’s condition improved dramatically. The horse let itself be touched again, the aggressive behaviour completely disappeared. The treatments could thus be carried out in a relaxed manner and without pain for all parties.
“Not offering the bioresonance treatment is indecent in my opinion”.(Dirk Schrader, veterinarian)
Veterinarian Dirk Schrader has been treating patients in his Hamburg practice for 46 years. Time and again he has seen that the state of health of seemingly hopeless cases improves considerably thanks to bioresonance therapy. And this has not changed to this day. He talks about his greatest experience of success with bioresonance in the video interview.

The veterinarian and naturopathic practitioner in the human field Dr. Astrid Harte first tested the BICOM device on her own horses. They had been suffering from a chronic cough for a long time. After a few bioresonance treatments they were rid of their cough and had no more symptoms. From then on, Dr. Harte was convinced of the effectiveness of the bioresonance device and has been successfully treating both humans and animals ever since.
More success stories with bioresonance:
Frequently asked questions
What does the horse feel during treatment?
The animals find the treatment with the BICOM® device pleasant, painless and stress-free. Meanwhile, they can stand and eat hay in a relaxed manner.
Is bioresonance dangerous?
Treatments with the BICOM bioresonance device are non-invasive and therefore have no harmful effects on the body or organism. The sessions are painless and therefore completely stress-free for both animal and pet owner.
How many treatments does it usually take with the bioresonance device?
The number of treatments depends on the intensity and duration of the disease. For simple cases of illness, two to three sessions with a treatment duration of 20-30 minutes each are usually sufficient.
The BICOM® bioresonance method is a holistic natural healing method that regulates the body’s own causal disharmonies through electromagnetic oscillations. As a painless and stress-free treatment, bioresonance is predestined for use with horses. They can relax so much during a session that they sometimes doze peacefully afterwards.
The treatment focus of the BICOM® mobile VET is wide-ranging and adapts to the individual needs of the animal patient. Health deficits can thus be recognised at an early stage and treated in time.
Even though conventional medicine does not yet recognise bioresonance for animals, the treatment method has been part of the repertoire of many veterinarians and veterinary practitioners for many years. The positive influence and the multitude of success stories speak for themselves.
Are you interested in a BICOM® device?
Arrange a consultation with our international BICOM® experts
Our international BICOM® experts are available to answer all your questions
and will be happy to advise you personally and individually.