BICOM® mobile VET
Cause‐oriented testing and treatment
Questions & answers
Things to know about bioresonance

Good to know
As soon as your pet is unwell, you as a pet owner are often at a loss, racking your brains as to what the cause could be and inclined to spend many hours doing your own research.
The most important thing for the animal, however, is to reach for the nearest phone as soon as possible to seek advice from an expert. Veterinarians and veterinary practitioners are busy every day trying to help animals as best they can.
The wealth of experience of a therapist of many years fills entire books, which cannot be reflected on a few internet pages.
Please consult a veterinarian or veterinary naturopathic practitioner if your animal is ill. Addresses of therapists who work with BICOM® bioresonance in Germany can be found in the therapist search. For therapists outside of Germany, please contact one of our international partners.
For all other pet owners without an acute animal emergency, we have compiled some information here.
Here you will also find further information specifically on bioresonance for horses and bioresonance for dogs.
Worth knowing
From time to time we receive reports from enthusiastic pet owners whose animals have been saved with the help of BICOM® bioresonance. Here are a few cases that have been reported to us.
Do you also have a story you would like to share? Write it to us at
Frequently asked questions
Yes, the treatment is absolutely painless and therefore stress-free for both animal and pet owner.
No, there are no studies on effectiveness. Randomised controlled trials (double-blind studies) are very time-consuming and cost-intensive. A duration of 4 to 5 years and investment costs of 1 to 2 million euros for study assistance, testing and monitoring are not unusual.
This depends on the disease or previous illnesses. At the first visit, the veterinarian or veterinary naturopathic practitioner will examine the animal together with you and draw up a treatment plan. Every animal, every body, reacts differently to the first treatments. For this reason, one or the other animal needs a little longer until the self-healing powers kick in again.
It is best to check with your animal health insurance. Although bioresonance is a self-pay service, it is already partially or fully covered by many insurance companies.
Addresses of BICOM® therapists in countries outside Germany, can be obtained from the respective international partners.
Ask a veterinarian or veterinary naturopathic practitioner about this. Addresses of BICOM® therapists in countries outside Germany, can be obtained from the respective international partners. You can also find more information, experience reports and cost examples in our specialist article on bioresonance treatment, especially for dogs.
Ask a veterinarian or veterinary naturopathic practitioner about this. Addresses of BICOM® therapists in countries outside Germany, can be obtained from the respective international partners. You can also find more information, experience reports and cost examples in our specialist article on bioresonance treatment, especially for dogs.
Ask a veterinarian or veterinary naturopathic practitioner about this. Addresses of BICOM® therapists in countries outside Germany, can be obtained from the respective international partners. You can also find more information, experience reports and cost examples in our specialist article on bioresonance treatment, especially for dogs.
This varies from animal to animal and depends on the disease for which medication must be taken or the strength of the medication. It is best to ask your veterinarian / veterinary naturopathic practitioner about this. During bioresonance treatment it is not uncommon that medication can be reduced and/or completely discontinued.
The testing is done painlessly as part of the anamnesis. The veterinarian or veterinary naturopathic practitioner has various options for this, such as bioenergetic testing using the tensor testing technique or electro-acupuncture (EAP) or testing using the combined testing technique (BICOM CTT), with ampoules that have been specially compiled for veterinary medicine.
What is behind technical terms such as pododermatitis or mastitis? What is a dysfunction and where do black flies actually come from?
We would like to explain the most common terms that might come up during a veterinary examination or anamnesis at your veterinarian or trusted veterinary practitioner.
You were looking for a technical term, but unfortunately you could not find it in our database?
Write us a message to The glossary will be continuously expanded by us at regular intervals.
Any questions?
Your local BICOM® therapist will be happy to help you personally
Addresses of BICOM® therapists in countries outside Germany,
can be obtained from the respective international partners.