BICOM® mobile VET
Cause‐oriented testing and treatment



Innovative medical products for therapy and diagnostics

REGUMED® is an internationally operating medical technology company, with cooperation partners and therapists in about 100 countries. For more than 35 years, we have been committed to improving the quality of life of humans and animals. To this end, we develop and produce innovative medical products for therapy and diagnostics.

REGUMED® was one of the first companies worldwide to launch targeted treatment methods in the field of information medicine. Research and development are a permanent part of our work. The combination of many years of experience and close partnership with medical experts and specialists is what makes us stand out.

By offering biophysical medical devices to a wide range of medical and naturopathic institutions, REGUMED® supports the future-oriented work of holistic medical practitioners (veterinarians, human doctors, (veterinary) naturopathic practitioners). Our equipment and our actions are geared towards high quality and standard guidelines.

With over 100 seminars conducted a year by the Academy for Complementary and Informational Medicine, great value is placed on excellent education and training for all users. With our treatment method, we give all therapists the opportunity to complement conventional medical treatments without harmful side effects and pain.


Regulative Medizintechnik GmbH
Robert-Koch-Straße 1a
82152 Planegg

BICOM® mobile VET
An innovation by REGUMED®