BICOM® mobile VET
Cause‐oriented testing and treatment
Bioresonance for animals near Hamburg (Germany)
Bioresonance for animals near Hamburg (Germany)
It all started when I myself became more and more allergic to animal hair of any kind. Not the best prerequisite for a veterinarian. After various attempts to get rid of the allergy, bioresonance was ultimately the only thing that really helped me well and, above all, sustainably. Since this treatment by a naturopathic practitioner, I am as good as symptom-free and can do my job again.
Based on my own experience, I was planning to use it with my animal patients as well. But as a veterinarian trained in orthodox medicine, I first wanted to convince myself whether I could also get involved with it as a therapist. Therefore, I attended two special training courses offered by the manufacturer of the BICOM® device. During these courses I was able to convince myself that I could also use bioresonance for the diagnosis and therapy of dogs and cats without prejudice.
Since then I have treated many animals with it. Of course, some special cases remain more in one’s memory. Like the young German shepherd who was actually brought to me to be put down because he could no longer stand up, had not eaten for days and looked pitiful.
Borrelia exposure
I usually diagnose and treat animals with chronic and allergic problems and not as a so-called “last straw”. With this German shepherd I had the feeling that there was still something there. During my biophysical testing I got a clear rash of “borrelia”, a tick-borne bacterial infection. That gave me hope.
I started the first treatment immediately after testing. For this I used the appropriate Borrelia ampoule and specific programs stored in the BICOM® device. After four more sessions within the next two weeks, the animal was healthy again. Since in this case the owner did not want any further conventional medical treatment, bioresonance was the only therapy this dog received. The dog continued to live happily for many years.
In summary, I would like to say that BICOM® bioresonance is an important component for me in finding a diagnosis and I continue to use it successfully therapeutically.
… Would you like to learn more about the BICOM® bioresonance method? Get in contact with us or one of our international representatives.
Dr. med. vet. Reinhard Goy
In his veterinary practice, Dr. Goy has been using proven complementary healing methods in addition to conventional medicine for over 20 years. He is particularly fond of the BICOM® bioresonance method.