BICOM® mobile VET
Cause‐oriented testing and treatment

Healing practice for humans and animals

Healing practice for humans and animals
I had already become acquainted with the BICOM® bioresonance method more than 20 years ago with an alternative practitioner in Hanover and had been able to convince myself of its functionality. The decision to buy a BICOM® device myself was made by an advertisement of the company REGUMED®. I had the device presented to me by an employee and then decided to buy it. At professional seminars, I learned about the numerous applications of the method, among other things. Very helpful was a seminar where I learned how to perform resonance tests in order to identify the causes of complaints.
Additional training as a naturopathic practitioner
The good treatment results proved that I was on the right track. Soon however I realized that not only animals needed my knowledge and help, but also people. For this reason, I decided to additionally complete the training to become a state-certified naturopathic practitioner. The reason were those pet owners who wanted to be treated by me as well because of the successes with their animals.
Since 2008 I have been running a healing practice for humans and animals and offer my patients almost exclusively the bioresonance method.
Stimulation of the self-healing powers
The bioresonance method is a gentle procedure without drugs and therefore a very good alternative to drug treatments. No matter which clinical picture is present, with bioresonance I have the possibility to support the self-regulation of the organism and to stimulate the self-healing powers.
The topic of allergies is a broad field and very multifaceted. Allergy treatments are a main focus in my practice. The possibility of finding hidden causes of allergies and intolerances with the help of resonance tests offers many patients the chance to improve their complaints. With the help of the BICOM® device, I can eliminate allergens and remove blockages, thus helping the organism to regain its natural, healthy balance.
The BICOM® bioresonance method is the ideal form of therapy for me to contribute to the health and well-being of my patients, both gently and effectively.
… Would you like to learn more about the BICOM® bioresonance method? Get in contact with us or one of our international representatives.

Dr. med. vet. Ursula Gerhard
In 1999 she opened a practice for small animals. Since 2004 she has been working with the BICOM® bioresonance method. The good therapeutic successes in the veterinary field prompted her to complete additional training as a naturopathic practitioner for the human field.