BICOM® mobile VET
Cause‐oriented testing and treatment

Horse with mold poisoning from contaminated hay

Horse with mold poisoning from contaminated hay
I got to know bioresonance years ago through our family doctor. At that time, I had positive experiences myself and since then I have been interested in this method. When I opened my “Mobile Veterinary Practice” in 2020, my interest in bioresonance became concrete, I gathered detailed information about the different devices and finally decided to buy a BICOM® device.
Case report Gelding Carlchen, 15 years old
Symptoms: skin eczema, loss of appetite, inflamed mucous membranes, unsteady gait.
The gelding’s complaints developed over a period of about three weeks. First, the head and croup gradually developed skin eczema with hair loss. The rubbing with various ointments brought no success. In addition, he almost stopped eating and seemed more and more disinterested. The suspicion of colic was discarded again, since the inflamed mucous membranes did not fit into the picture. His grave condition became seriously visible when the horse swayed strikingly while walking.
Testing and toxin removal with BICOM® bioresonance
The resonance test I conducted revealed intense exposure to mold toxins caused by contaminated hay. I immediately started a treatment with the BICOM® device by applying stabilizing and elimination programs. Already after two days I had the impression that the condition of the horse was visibly improving.
After four BICOM® treatments, the horse’s gait was normal again and a slight hair fluff formed on the affected skin areas. The horse had an appetite again and seemed cheerful and lively. His health was restored! (see video – before/after).
… Would you like to learn more about the BICOM® bioresonance method? Get in contact with us or one of our international representatives.
Birgit Barthel
Naturopathic Veterinary Practitioner. After graduating from high school and working in a bank for 20 years, she completed her training as an veterinary naturopath in 2015. In addition to this, she attended various courses on stress point massage, horse and dog diagnostics, leech therapy and dry needling. Since September 2021 she has been working with BICOM® bioresonance therapy. At the moment she is also training as an animal physiotherapist.