BICOM® mobile VET
Cause‐oriented testing and treatment
BICOM® bioresonance method
Gentle help for many ailments

The BICOM® bioresonance method
The BICOM® bioresonance method has been constantly refined and developed over the past decades in cooperation with doctors and naturopathic practitioners from the veterinary and human fields. It is now used all over the world. Doctors recognise it as a sensible method to alleviate complaints and also to help animal patients even more comprehensively.
The BICOM® bioresonance method is a gentle, holistic procedure that has proven itself for 35 years in both the human and veterinary field (e.g. for dogs, cats, horses and other large and small animals).
Many successful treatments and testimonials from enthusiastic therapists and happy pet owners confirm the positive effect.
Our therapeutic goal is to help your pet as much as possible! On the following pages you will get a small insight into this gentle yet effective procedure.
The BICOM® bioresonance method
A biophysical procedure for the diagnosis and treatment of various ailments. It is a very useful complement to conventional medicine. Further information:
Since 1987
Continuously developed by experienced BICOM® therapists (doctors & naturopathic practitioners).
BICOM® devices are in use in over 90 countries worldwide.
Over 100 seminars, workshops and specialist lectures per year.
+35 years
Experience with the bioresonance method.
BICOM® Bioresonance – Designed and developed in Germany.
Worth knowing
How bioresonance can help diagnose hidden causes of disease
The first time I came into contact with the bioresonance method was while working in a practice as a salaried veterinarian. When I opened my own practice, I decided to work with this method as well. In addition to the numerous treatment options, bioresonance also offers the opportunity to make more targeted and faster diagnoses […]
Longhaired shepherds Franze and Fanny with itching and diarrhoea
A patient report about two longhaired German shepherds, Franze and Fanny. The report comes from the pet owners Margarete and Peter, who describe their experiences at the vet.
Dachshund Rambo with food intolerance
A patient report about dachshund Rambo, the little sunshine of pet owner Patricia. In the report, Patricia tells about her impressions gathered during the treatment of dachshund Rambo.
Control of metabolic processes in animals
Metabolic processes in animals are controlled by a superordinate system of electromagnetic frequency patterns. The animal is healthy when all control and regulation systems are optimally coordinated.
Bioresonance in veterinary medicine
An interview with long-time veterinary naturopathic practitioner Dagmar Scheuffele. About the integration of the BICOM® device in her practice and the use of the BICOM® bioresonance method with large and small animal patients.
Treatment concept with high success rate
An interview with Dr. med. vet. Juliane Jaeger. A specialist veterinarian for small animals, who has been working with the BICOM® bioresonance method since 1997.
Four BICOM® devices in use
In 2000, I visited the CAM (Medical Fair in Düsseldorf) with the firm intention of purchasing an ultrasound device. As I walked through the rows, I noticed the stand with the BICOM® device. I was interested in this device. I had it presented to me and learned a lot about how it works and its […]
17 year old parrot (African Grey) with massive skin necrosis
When the parrot lady was presented to me in the practice, she had just come fresh from the special clinic with the urgent advice to euthanise her. The parrot was suffering from massive underwing eczema with black necrotic skin down to the bone and also severe automutilation (plucking problem). During testing, we found strains of […]
Video interview with Dirk Schrader (veterinarian from Hamburg, Germany)
For many diseases in the veterinary field, conventional medicine does not offer sufficient options. In animals we are mainly dealing with chronic obstructive diseases. Without the use of the BICOM® bioresonance method, the chances of sick animals getting better or even being cured are much lower […]
BICOM® Bioresonance: Helpful for humans and animals!
My daughter’s illness led me to bioresonance. The little girl suffered from severe neurodermatitis at the age of 2 ½ years. Unfortunately, the dermatologists consulted could not really help her. Through many channels I heard about a “bioresonance doctor” whose treatment successes had spread in our area. I took the chance and introduced my child […]
Bioresonance for animals near Hamburg (Germany)
It all started when I myself became more and more allergic to animal hair of any kind. Not the best prerequisite for a veterinarian. After various attempts to get rid of the allergy, bioresonance was ultimately the only thing that really helped me well and, above all, sustainably. Since this treatment by a naturopathic practitioner, […]
Ideal synergy: conventional and complementary medicine
The speciality of my practice lies in the synergy of classical conventional medicine and different types of complementary medicine. In my career as a veterinarian, I soon realised that I quickly reached my limits when it came to allergies using only conventional methods. While searching for alternative treatment methods, I came across the company REGUMED®. […]
Looking for clues with the BICOM® method
My first experience with the BICOM® method was back in 2000, when I had frequent contact with a veterinary practitioner. He was known for his exact test results, which he could achieve with the BICOM® device. That’s why I always turned to him when I was stuck with a difficult horse. He then identified the […]
The role of self-healing powers
Every organism has its own regulatory system that is able to compensate for disruptive influences to a certain degree. Too many stresses, such as feed additives, chemically contaminated drinking water, environmental toxins, electrosmog, exhaust fumes, allergens, bacteria and viruses can block or even paralyse the self-healing mechanism. The body can no longer defend itself and […]
“Only a chronically ill patient is a good patient?”
That was the saying in my training days in the 2000s. However, this (cynical) saying did not go well with my intention to use my knowledge for the welfare of animals and to help them in the best possible way. Early on, I started looking for holistic treatment approaches. My first choice was homeopathy and […]
Horse with mold poisoning from contaminated hay
I got to know bioresonance years ago through our family doctor. At that time, I had positive experiences myself and since then I have been interested in this method. When I opened my “Mobile Veterinary Practice” in 2020, my interest in bioresonance became concrete, I gathered detailed information about the different devices and finally decided […]
Healing practice for humans and animals
I had already become acquainted with the BICOM® bioresonance method more than 20 years ago with an alternative practitioner in Hanover and had been able to convince myself of its functionality. The decision to buy a BICOM® device myself was made by an advertisement of the company REGUMED®. I had the device presented to me […]
Expanded treatment spectrum with BICOM® bioresonance
For us, good veterinary medicine means diagnostics, involvement of the owner through intensive consultation and modern veterinary therapy concepts including alternative treatment methods. Since the majority of my animal patients suffer from allergies, autoimmune diseases, intolerances and skin problems, the bioresonance method is often used. The special benefit of this is also in the diagnostics, […]